Monday, March 1, 2010

blast from the past

found these old comic book pages that I inked many years ago, thought I'd share

Creative Director/Executive Producer

Microsoft is keeping me pretty busy these days, as I said in my last post I'm consulting on various teams/projects in an EP/CD role with some Art Direction and User Experience Design thrown in for good's interesting and challenging work. I tend to come in to a project in an early stage of pre-production and help define the product or experience; who is the user, why do they need this product, how will they use this product, what differentiates this product from other products in it's competition space, what are the hero moments of the experience, what is the basic design of the product, what resources will be needed to achieve the design, what must be shipped and what can we cut etc.... I answer these questions and many others with the help of internal and external resources that I direct to deliver design documentation, user experience models, product mock ups, usability tests, art and design bibles etc.
Fun Stuff!
As usual, I can't talk about the projects right now but believe me, I'm working on some pretty cool stuff!